Ophiuchus can be seen in the sky from June through October. Look for the teapot shape!
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The constellation Ophiuchus is known as the Serpent Bearer. In Greek myth, he was the god of medicine. One day he killed a snake, but another serpent appeared and healed his friend with plants. Ophiuchus saw this, and learned how to use herbs to cure people.

Hades was worried that Ophiuchus would bring everyone back to life. He wanted people to die and join him in the underworld. Zeus killed Ophiuchus for Hades, but put him in the sky to honor him.

The constellation is very dim, but has a neat shape. He looks like a teapot! There are actually three constellations in the image. Ophiuchus is holding the two constellations called Serpens Caput and Serpens Cauda. These three can be seen beginning in June and ending in October. He can be found near Hercules and Scorpius.

The brightest star is called Ras Alhague, and is the head of the serpent bearer.

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