Poetry and Pictures - Weather

British painter John Constable (1776-1837) made many paintings of clouds. It looks like he depicted towering cumulus clouds in this painting of Weymouth Bay. These clouds may have turned into cumulonimbus and a storm later in the day.
Public domain/Wikipedia


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But just what words?

We'd like to invite you to submit your own poem about this month's featured Weather image. Be as creative and expressive as you can! And check back next month to write another wonderful poem about a weather image.

Today's Highlighted Poem

The Visitors
by Lucie, age 11, England

It burns in our eyes,
And the glistening skies,
It flies in with the wind,
And in the air it is twinned,
With what keeps us alive,
So by stars we arrive,
In glittering gold,
And souls fierce and bold,
Over the rocky mountains,
And nature's own fountains.
We make our path shine,
And on the ground we sign,
Our mark of light,
Till the end of the night,
When we sleep in our cloud
You would not hear a sound,
Until twilight again,
And then to space we ascend,
Up and away,
As we streak the clouds with grey.

Ventanas al Universo, un proyecto de la Asociación Nacional de Maestros de Ciencias de la Tierra, es patrocinado parcialmente por la Fundación Nacional para las Ciencias y NASA, nuestros Socios Fundadores (la Unión Geofísica Americana y el Instituto Americano de Geociencias) al igual que nuestros Socios Institucionales, Contribuyentes, y Afiliados, membresía individual y generosos donantes. ¡Gracias por su apoyo! NASA ESIP NCSE HHMI AGU AGI AMS NOAA