News about Life on Earth (the biosphere)
08/19/10 Marine Scientists, Students Find Widespread Floating Plastic Debris in North Atlantic Ocean
08/18/10 New Computer Model Advances Climate Change Research
07/17/10 Gulf Oil Spill: Mississippi River Hydrology May Help Reduce Oil Onshore
06/17/10 Caribbean Coral Reef Protection Efforts Miss the Mark
05/16/10 Unprecedented Warming in East Africa's Lake Tanganyika
04/29/10 Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico
04/25/10 Soil Microbes Produce Less Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Than Expected With Global Warming
04/23/10 Even in the Desert, Plants Feel the Heat of Global Warming
04/08/10 Geologists Uncover Major Ancient Human Ancestor in South Africa
03/29/10 Climate Helped Bring Angkor to Its Knees
03/17/10 Prescribed Burns May Help Reduce U.S. Carbon Footprint
03/04/10 Scientists Find Signs of “Snowball Earth” Amidst Early Animal Evolution
03/04/10 Revisiting Chicxulub
02/25/10 Forest Tree Species Diversity Depends on Individual Variation
02/25/10 More than One: Long-Reining Microbe Controlling Ocean Nitrogen Shares the Throne
02/01/10 Evolution Impacts Environment, Study Finds
01/28/10 White Roofs May Successfully Cool Cities
01/28/10 Dinosaur Discovery Helps Solve Piece of Evolutionary Puzzle
09/09/09 Global Warming Causes Outbreak of Rare Algae in Caribbean Corals
06/29/09 Desert Dust Alters Ecology of Colorado Alpine Meadows
06/11/09 Global Warming Can Impact Monsoons and Lower Crop Production
05/27/09 Arctic Tundra May Contribute to Warmer World
03/16/09 Warmer Temperatures are Changing Antarctic Phytoplankton
02/05/09 Microbe Survives in Ocean’s Deepest Realm, Thanks to Genetic Adaptations
02/05/09 Researchers Observe Evolution Chain Reaction
02/04/09 Prehistoric Fossil Snake is Largest on Record
02/03/09 Early Whales Gave Birth on Land
01/30/09 "Hot Spot" for Toxic Algal Blooms Discovered off Washington Coast
01/30/09 Can Forests Survive Without Birds?
01/07/09 Microscopic Fossils Offer Big Clues to Earth's Climate
12/12/08 New Online Report on Massive Jellyfish Swarms Released
11/07/08 Ecologists Use Oceanographic Data to Predict Future Climate Change
11/02/08 In Alaska's Forests, Dried Mushrooms to the Rescue?
10/15/08 Details of Evolutionary Transition from Fish to Land Animals Revealed
10/08/08 Fish Adapting to a Changing World
09/24/08 Pine Bark Beetles Affecting More than Forests
09/17/08 From Sugar to Gasoline
08/08/08 Water Refineries?
07/29/08 Atlantic Coral Reefs Are No Match for This Lion
07/21/08 Outflow from World's Largest River – The Amazon – Powers Atlantic Ocean Carbon “Sink”
07/17/08 Newly-Found Rock May Prove Antarctica and North America Were Connected
07/17/08 Scientists Discover Fish that Talk
07/03/08 How Many Species Have There Been on Earth?
06/17/08 The Mystery of Mass Extinction is No Longer Murky
06/12/08 If a Tree Falls in the Forest, and No One Is Around to Hear It, Does Climate Change?
05/28/08 Rock Eating Bacteria Found at the Bottom of the Sea
05/08/08 Ancient Beachcombers May Have Traveled Slowly
04/24/08 Genetic Sequencing of Protein from T. rex Bone Confirms Dinosaurs' Link to Birds
04/18/08 Earth Day 2008
04/07/08 Money Doesn't Grow on Trees, But Gasoline Might
02/18/08 Giant Fossil Frog Found in Madagascar
02/07/08 Pacific Coral Reefs May Not Get Into Hot Water
12/20/07 Missing Link Between Whales and Four-Footed Ancestors Discovered
12/10/07 Greenland’s Ice Is Melting Faster
12/04/07 Did Life First Form in a Mica Sandwich at the Bottom of an Ancient Sea?
10/31/07 Reef Health Depends on Algae Chomping Fish
02/01/07 IPCC 4th Assessment Report Summary Due
10/12/05 First Photos Taken of a Live Giant Squid
09/22/05 Model Predicts Hurricane Rita's Path
09/16/05 The 2005 Hurricane Season Is Churning the Atlantic
05/02/05 Where’s the Woodpecker? Rare Bird Sighted for First Time in 60 Years!
02/16/05 The Kyoto Protocol Is in Effect! Around the World, 141 Countries Are Taking the First Steps to Decrease Greenhouse Gasses!
01/05/05 Earthquake in the Indian Ocean Causes a Massive Tsunami
10/10/03 Researchers Locate Special Penguin Habitats!
06/04/03 Peeking at Coral Reefs From Space