Fun & Games
We've collected our games here for you to select from. Note: Many of the games are written in Java. If you have Windows XP on your computer and have problems opening some games, you might have to download Java from Sun Microsystems.
We have a lot of fun making these games, and we hope that you have fun playing them, but we can't know unless you tell us! Please fill out our survey and let us know what you think--perhaps you have suggestions for future games?
Please note: some older Java games may not conform to the security requirements of the new Java version. We are looking into updating them. In the meantime, you can go around this by adding Windows to the Universe to your trusted site list. Read the instructions here.
Crossword Puzzles
Global locations of visitors using this page right now
Climate Science from the Southeast Pacific Crossword Puzzle
Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaw Puzzles (Flash playerneeded for this game!)
Polar Jigsaw Puzzles (Flash playerneeded for this game!)
Word Searches
The Motions of the Ocean Word Search
Atmosphere and Clouds Word Search
Concentration Games
The Carbon Cycle Game (Flash playerneeded for this game!)
"Eight Planets and a Dwarf" Sudoku (Flash playerneeded for this game!)
Order it Up: Solar System Edition
Coloring Books and Paper Activities
A Printable Activity Page About Magnetism
Fun & Games at Other Sites Space & Astronomy for Kids
CHANCE Activity--Brought to you by Solar Week 2002
Guess the Celebrity Activity--Brought to you by Solar Week 2002 Optical Illusions