Dione Rossiter, a graduate student working with VOCALS, is shown here standing by the Phase Doppler Interferometer (PDI) and wearing her PDI shirt. This instrument is mounted on an airplane wing. It will help her to study tiny physical processes inside clouds.
Image Courtesy of Dione Rossiter

Who is involved in VOCALS?

Would you like to be a scientist? The VOCALS scientists are good at doing many different things. They use all kinds of instruments located on ships, aircraft, and the land.

  • Meteorologists study the weather and weather forecasting.
  • Climate scientists study the climate, including how it changes over time.
  • Atmospheric chemists study chemicals in the air.
  • Atmospheric physicists use physics to study the atmosphere.
  • Aircraft pilots, ship captains, mechanics, software engineers, and many other people provide important support to the scientists.

The scientists are lucky to have help from computer programmers, aircraft pilots, ship navigators, machinists, engineers, and travel planners. Before VOCALS begins, they all work in teams to plan their activities. They must be sure every one takes measurements at the right times and that no one is injured as they work.

You can find out what it is like to be a scientist by reading their stories. Also, check out the postcards from VOCALS scientists. They include photos of people doing many interesting things.

Brigitte Baeuerle
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Dr. Taehyoung Lee
Colorado State University
Katie Beem
Colorado State University
Jacqueline Lim
National Center for Atmospheric Research

Wiesje Mooiweer Bryan
University of Wyoming
David Painemal
University of Miami
Carlye Calvin
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Dione Rossiter
University of California, Santa Cruz
Dr. Patrick Chuang
University of California, Santa Cruz
Dr. Jeff Snider
University of Wyoming
Jake Crouch
North Carolina State University
Dr. Cynthia Twohy
Oregon State University
Dr. Boris Dewitte
Institute for Research and Development, Peru
Dr. Robert Wood
University of Washington
Dr. Chris Fairall
NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory
Dr. Chris Zappa
Columbia University
Rhea George
University of Washington
Dr. Paquita Zuidema
University of Miami
Lelia Hawkins
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Last modified October 20, 2008 by Becca Hatheway.

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