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Does Venus Have a Surface in Motion?
Like Mars, there is no continental drift on the surface of Venus. The surface of Venus does not *seem* to have changed or moved in billions of years. Nevertheless, there are a few signs which suggest that the surface may be in motion.
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Unlike Earth, there is no continental drift on Mars today. The Martian surface does not seem to have changed or moved in billions of years. 1.) The surface of Mars shows craters at all latitudes and longitudes.
This is a map of the surface of Venus (turned sideways!). As can be seen on the map, there is no ocean, but there are highlands and lowlands. Lowlands in the map can be thought of as like the ocean bottom,
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This is an example of the craters of Venus. Venus seems to have about 900 craters, which is about the same number of craters found on the surface of the Earth. Since we know that the Earth has an active
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Unlike the Earth's crust, the crust of Venus is very rigid. The shape of the volcanoes suggests that over its history, Venus, like Mars, has built a thick crust. A thick crust prevents motions of a surface.
Alpha Regio is the home of Eve Mons, a volcano.