Noticias sobre el interior y superficie (geosfera) de la Tierra
03/11/11 Massive 9.0 Magnitude Earthquake and Tsunami Hit Japan
08/18/10 Deadly Tonga Earthquake Revealed as Three Big Quakes
08/11/10 Oldest Earth Mantle Reservoir Discovered
08/02/10 Triggers of Volcanic Eruptions in Oregon's Mount Hood Investigated
07/08/10 New Findings Indicate Sediment Composition Affected the Strength of Sumatran Earthquake
05/13/10 Silver Tells a Story of Early Earth: Water Here Since Planet's Very Early Days
04/22/10 Scientists Study "Glaciovolcanoes," Mountains of Fire and Ice
04/08/10 Geologists Uncover Major Ancient Human Ancestor in South Africa
03/04/10 Revisiting Chicxulub
03/04/10 Scientists Find Signs of “Snowball Earth” Amidst Early Animal Evolution
02/27/10 Massive Earthquake Shakes Chile
01/25/10 Scientists Return to Haiti to Assess Possibility of Another Major Quake
01/21/10 New Earthquake Information Unearthed by San Andreas Fault Studies
01/13/10 Terremoto en Haití, enero 2010
12/16/09 No es tu falla , geológicamente hablando, es una falla típica
12/03/09 Scientists Locate Deep Origins of "Hawaiian Hotspot"
10/20/09 Cambiando el Río Mississippi Podría Conllevar a Extensos Suelos Nuevos
09/28/09 Living, Meandering River Constructed
06/11/09 Global Warming Can Impact Monsoons and Lower Crop Production
05/27/09 Arctic Tundra May Contribute to Warmer World
05/18/09 How Solid is Concrete's Carbon Footprint?
04/29/09 Avances glaciales
04/27/09 New Blow for Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Theory
04/07/09 Scientists Learn About Lightning Inside a Volcanic Plume
03/25/09 Tornado-like Rotation is Key to Understanding Volcanic Plumes
03/18/09 Earth's Crust Melts Easier Than Thought
03/02/09 Geologic Findings Undermine Theories of Permian Mass Extinction Timing
02/24/09 Un equipo de investigación internacional dirigido por los Estados Unidos confirma que debajo de la hoja de hielo de la antártica del este existe una cordillera de montaña similar a la de los Alpes
02/23/09 Scientists to Investigate Role of Equatorial Pacific Ocean in Global Climate System
02/04/09 Prehistoric Fossil Snake is Largest on Record
02/03/09 Early Whales Gave Birth on Land
01/07/09 Microscopic Fossils Offer Big Clues to Earth's Climate
11/24/08 Descubriendo misterios del clima e interesando a alumnos de Harlem en la Antártida
11/09/08 Storms Shaped the Himalayan Mountains
10/15/08 Details of Evolutionary Transition from Fish to Land Animals Revealed
10/03/08 Gas From the Past Gives Scientists New Insights into Climate and the Oceans
10/02/08 Paleozoic "Sediment Curve" Provides New Tool for Tracking Sea-floor Sediment Movements
09/26/08 Scientists Discover the Oldest Known Rock on Earth
09/17/08 From Sugar to Gasoline
07/31/08 Cold and Ice, and Heat, Episodically Gripped Tropical Regions 300 Million Years Ago
07/22/08 Scientists Test System to Forecast Flash Floods along Colorado's Front Range
07/17/08 Una Roca Recién Encontrada Podría Probar que la Antártida y Norteamérica Estuvieron Conectadas
07/03/08 How Many Species Have There Been on Earth?
06/17/08 The Mystery of Mass Extinction is No Longer Murky
06/05/08 Study of Glacial Earthquakes Shakes Up Idea of How Ice Streams Move
05/28/08 Rock Eating Bacteria Found at the Bottom of the Sea
04/24/08 Injecting Sulfate Particles into Stratosphere Could Have Drastic Impact on Earth's Ozone Layer
02/18/08 Giant Fossil Frog Found in Madagascar
12/04/07 Did Life First Form in a Mica Sandwich at the Bottom of an Ancient Sea?
02/01/07 El 4to. resúmen del informe del gravamen del panel Intergubernamental de Cambio de Clima (IPCC)
02/16/05 The Kyoto Protocol Is in Effect! Around the World, 141 Countries Are Taking the First Steps to Decrease Greenhouse Gasses!
01/05/05 Terremoto en el océano Índigo da orígen a un tsunami masivo