This is the official logo of the TIGER instrument launch, 2001-2002. TIGER was launched onboard a balloon in December 2001 and landed back in Antarctica in January 2002.
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Courtesy of NASA in collaboration with Washington University, Caltech and the University of Minnesota
Click on image for full size
Courtesy of NASA in collaboration with Washington University, Caltech and the University of Minnesota
TIGER's in Antarctica?
News story originally written on February 1, 2002
What's the biggest balloon you've ever seen? One shaped like Cookie Monster or a clown?
Scientists used a balloon to carry an experiment called TIGER into the air. The balloon
was wider than a football field and taller than the Washington Monument! Now that's a big balloon!
The balloon was made of a material that is only as thick as sandwich wrap! But, it was in the air for over 31 days and circled twice around Antarctica! Cool!
Be sure to check out the questions below that other kids had about this balloon and Antarctica.
Last modified February 1, 2002 by Jennifer Bergman.