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Fall 2005 Chicago NSTA Schedule
Windows to the Universe offered numerous workshops at the upcoming NSTA meeting in Chicago, Illinois. Workshops included:
November 10
"Climate Change: Classroom Tools" - Explore the scientific foundations of what we know about climate change and address misconceptions through hands-on activities that illustrate climate change and its effects. Handouts! 8 - 9 am, Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Superior A;
"Magnetism and Space Weather" - How are magnetism and "weather" in space related? We will share tested hands-on activities and resources about Earth magnetism, space weather, and solar "storms." Handouts provided. 1 - 2 pm, Navy Pier, Room 301/303;
"NSTA Earth and Space Science Share-a-Thon" - Join NESTA members as they demonstrate their favorite classroom activities and lead small working groups through applications suited for individual classrooms. 2:30 - 3:30 pm, Navy Pier, Grand Ballroom.
November 11
"What's Below the Surface?" - Explore below Earth's surface with this collection of hands-on classroom activities from Windows to the Universe. A must for earth and physical science teachers! Handouts provided! 9:30 - 10:30 am, Navy Pier, Room 207;
"Geomagnetism, Electricity, and Space Weather" - Participants will experience numerous hands-on activities related to basic concepts of magnetism and electricity, geomagnetism, and space weather. Handouts provided. 1 - 2 pm, Navy Pier, Room 310/312;
"Climate and Global Change: A Toolkit for Teaching" - Explore Earth's dynamic climate system while engaging in a collection of hands-on activities from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. A wealth of resources and handouts provided! 2:30 - 3:30, Room 310/312;
"WALLS (Water, Air, Land, Life, and Space) Workshop" - A unique team of teachers and scientists will share their integrated suite of hands-on standards-based activities for Water, Air, Land, Life, and Space content areas. Handouts! 4 - 5 pm, Navy Pier, Room 202.