Is there an Aurora Today?
Northern Hemisphere
Estimated Electrical Power - Northern & Southern Auroral Ovals
The power levels
shown here are estimated from observations made by NOAA/TIROS of high-velocity
and positive
ions raining
over the auroral oval. These electrons are responsible for the auroral
lights. All
of the energy of these particles is eventually deposited into the Earth's
upper atmosphere. However, the energy of these particles is only about
10-30% of the total energy flowing into the atmosphere along the auroral
oval. The remainder is deposited by up to million-ampere electric currents
as they heat the upper atmosphere. During times of high activity, the
power deposited can easily exceed the sum of all the electrical power
generated in the United States over the same time interval. |
Southern Hemisphere
Magnetospheric Response: Voltage Across the Polar Cap
This derived quantity provided by scientists from Rice University measures the solar wind energy input to the magnetosphere that drives magnetospheric convection. It appears as an electric potential imposed across the polar ionosphere. This estimate does not account for time delays such as those imposed by friction between the ionosphere and the neutral atmosphere. |
Space Weather
Space Weather Today
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