Magin Llaneza
Photo courtesy of Marina LaGrave
Magin Llaneza
Since I can remember, I have always been wet. And the sound of the ocean has always softened me immensely and at the same time wakened me for new adventures.
As the only boy in my family, my dad was my hero. He was a diver with a big tank on his back and an underwater book of marine biology with illustrations of marine species in his hand. Of course I just want to be underwater for adventure; I have a need to discover new living things.
I learned to snorkel when I was seven, and scuba dive when I was eight years old. Now I am IANTD and CMAS certified diver, and looking forward to be a certified nitrox and rebreather diver very soon. I am learning dive photography as well as filming.
My favorite places to scuba dive include the Florida Keys for coral reefs, the coast of West Palm Beach, FL for open water and sunk boats, Gainesville in Central Florida for caves and springs and the Bahamas for clear water diving and that provide the best visibility and encounters with sharks.
I am a student of the Fire Fighter Academy in West Palm Beach, FL. I understand that climate change today is in part the cause of some tremendous catastrophes such as fires, hurricanes, floods, etc, that affect all of us and that climate is changing faster because of the damage people have caused in the ocean and lands. As a diver and future fire fighter I hope to prevent more damage and promote more understanding of how nature works and how we are part of it and the responsibility we all have to protect it and care for it.
Last modified June 23, 2008 by Lisa Gardiner.
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