Studying the Deep Sea in the Alvin
What's it like to visit the deep sea in a manned submersible? These postcards will share some of that excitement with you. Dr. Timothy Killeen will be making a dive in the Alvin to a location in the deep sea off of the US Pacific coast, and sharing some photos and thoughts with you here. The Alvin is a manned submersible, which is supported by the Research Vehicle Atlantis. Check out a photo album of images from the dive, and view the postcards below!
Alvin Heads Back to the Surface from Tim Killeen, September 8, 2009
Searching for Microbial Mats from Tim Killeen, September 8, 2009
The Journey to the Ocean Floor from Tim Killeen, September 8, 2009
Planning for the Dive from Tim Killeen, September 7, 2009
The Scene at Astoria from Tim Killeen, September 7, 2009
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To return to the surface, Bruce jettisoned two sets of weights and we began to ascend, again very gracefully. Again, we saw all kinds of jellyfish, strange fluorescent creatures, and floating particules
Once on the sea floor, Bruce started moving around to search for the microbial mats. Alvin moves a little like a blimp - you give it some momentum in a particular direction and it will keep going. It turns
We clambered into the Alvin. Once inside, there wasn't much space for the three of us to move around. The "cabin" is a sphere made out of welded titanium metal and it's about the size of a small walk-in
After leaving Astoria we steamed to the "Hydrate Ridge" - an area at a latitude of 44N and longitude of 125W, about 45 miles off the coast of Oregon, where the sea floor is at a depth of 780 meters. The
The team is assembling for a short cruise aboard the Atlantis, leaving Astoria, Oregon on a scientific cruise to Hydrate Ridge. At Hydrate Ridge, the deep submersible, Alvin, will explore the sea bottom
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Thomas Edison was an American inventor who lived between 1847-1931. He patented 1093 inventions in his life, including the incandescent light bulb, which provided a practical means of electical lighting