Makemake Statistics

This page lists data and statistics about the dwarf planet Makemake.

Diameter: 1,300-1,900 km
(808-1,181 miles)
[0.102-0.149 x Earth's]
Orbital Semimajor Axis:
(average distance from Sun)
45.791 AU
(Earth = 1 AU)
Mass: ~4 x 1021 kilograms
(0.00067 x Earth's)
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.159
Density: ~2,000 kg/m3
(0.363 x Earth's)
Maximum Distance from Sun: 53.074 AU
( 7.940 billion km or
4.934 billion miles )
Surface Gravity: ~0.5 m/s2
(0.051 x Earth's)
Minimum Distance from Sun: 38.509 AU
( 5.761 billion km or
3.580 billion miles )
Surface Temperature: 30 K
( -240° C or
-406° F )
Minimum Distance from Earth: 37.5 AU
( 5.61 billion km or
3.49 billion miles )
Tilt of Axis: unknown Orbital Inclination:
(tilt of orbit plane)
Rotation Period about Axis:
(length of Makemake's day)
unknown Revolution Period about the Sun:
(length of Makemake's year)
309.88 years

Satellites: known

Comparative Planetary Statistics -- in table form

Comparative Orbital Statistics -- in table form

Last modified July 22, 2008 by Randy Russell.

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