According to Hindu mythology, Svaha represents the star Zeta Tauri, which is the tip of one of the horns of the
constellation, Taurus the Bull. Svaha was desperately in love with the god of fire, Agni.
Unfortunately, Agni was infatuated with the seven Krttika, who were married to the seven Rishis.
Svaha then disguised herself as the Krttika and conquered Agni's love. Six times, Svaha made love to Agni, who believed that he had conquered the attractive wives of the seven Rishis.
Svaha could mimic only six of the Krttika since the seventh sister, Arundhati, was too devoted to her husband to be imitated. After a while, Svaha gave birth to a child that she named Skanda. With his birth, rumors began to spread that six of the Rishis' wives were his mother.
The seven Rishis divorced their wives. Arundhati was the only one that remained with
her husband as the star Alcor. The other six Krttika went away to become the Pleiades.
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