Left section of the freeze (c. 525 B.C.) of the treasure of Siphnioi, entitled "Symposium of the Gods." Delphi, Greece. From left to right we can see Aphrodite, Artemis, and Apollo.
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Image courtesy of the Superintendency (Ephoria) of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities in Delphi. Greek Ministry of Culture-Archaeological Receipt Fund.
Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love and beauty. She was known to the Romans as Venus. To the perfection of
her figure and the purity of her features she added an
innocent grace. On her sweet face she always wore a smile.
One story in particular shows the kindness of the love goddess. Pygmalion dislikes the women of his town because they sin. He makes an ivory statue of a woman, and cares for her as if she was his wife. One day he prays to Aphrodite for a wife. Aphrodite brings the statue to life, and watches as the two are married.
Aphrodite was not always nice. When people made her angry, she was not afraid to show her wrath. She was also very proud because she could make gods fall in love with people.
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