A representation of the Tharsis Ridge, showing the altitude of the volcanoes compared to the surrounding areas. The elevated southern hemisphere is also shown. From Mars Global Surveyor.
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The Tharsis Ridge
This image, taken from the Mars Global Surveyor mission (MGS), shows the Tharsis Ridge, the green/blue area in the middle of the picture, as well as a portion of the southern hemisphere of Mars. The green areas are higher than the surroundings, and the yellow/white regions, which are actually Martian volcanoes, are the highest of all. The red line in the picture is the spacecraft measurement which indicates just how large the regions are compared to one another.
The Tharsis Ridge is a region about twice the size of the United States (8000 km), and is where many of the volcanoes of Mars are found. Measurements by all spacecraft visiting Mars, including recent ones by Mars Pathfinder and Mars Global Surveyor have indicated that this region of Mars is actually a giant bulge, as shown in the picture. The picture also shows how much higher the southern hemisphere of Mars is than the rest of the planet.
The volcanoes found on this Ridge are very large volcanoes indeed. The Ridge is the home of Olympus Mons and other volcanoes.
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