This is an image of Europa taken by the Galileo spacecraft in natural and enhanced colors.
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Europa was first discovered by
Galileo Galilei in 1610, making it one of the
Galilean Satellites. Europa is Jupiter's 4th largest moon, 670,900 km from Jupiter. With a diameter that is about half the distance across the United States, 3138 km (1950 miles), Europa is nearly the same size as the
Earth's moon (click
here for a comparison between Earth's Moon and Europa).
Europa is named after one of
Jupiter's many lovers from
Greek mythology. The
Galileo spacecraft discovered that there is the strong possibility that it has an
ocean underneath its icy surface! The last time an ocean was discovered was the Pacific Ocean, 500 years ago. This means Europa is one of the few
moons in the solar system with the possibility of a liquid water environment friendly to
life. The
surface has many interesting characteristics, even though it is mostly made of
ice. Europa also has a very fragile
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