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Donations to Windows to the Universe
Is Windows to the Universe a valuable resource for you? If so, we encourage you to help support this project through a donation, by joining Windows to the Universe as a Member, or through your purchases on our online store.
A Cost Effective Earth and Space Science Education Solution - Even though Windows to the Universe is one of the most successful and least expensive science education websites ever developed on Federal funding (many have budgets an order of magnitude higher), eventually granting agencies find it difficult to continue funding projects, irrespective of how successful they are, as they are required to support new programs. Based on our large audience of over 14 million users annually, we are working to develop an array of funding strategies which are meant to help support our project and reduce our dependence on Federal funding. These strategies include:
- providing opportunities for membership (providing access to members-only special benefits and services),
- a partnership program with scientists and institutions,
- an online store with excellent Earth and Space Science education resources (which helps support our programs through commissions from vendors),
- additional professional development offerings,
- advertising (both for ad impressions and ad clicks), and
- donations from our users.
If we are successful in this effort, we will be one of the only websites of this kind that have made this transition.
Tax-Deductible - Contributions to the National Earth Science Teachers Association in support of Windows to the Universe are tax exempt under NESTA's non-profit IRS designation as a 501(c)(3). We will be glad to provide a letter of appreciation recognizing your donation for tax purposes.
We will use the support you provide NESTA for Windows to the Universe solely to support Windows to the Universe content and professional development activities. This allows us to maintain existing content on the website, create new content, and support professional development workshops for teachers around the world.
If this website is a valuable resource for you, please consider supporting it in one or more of the ways described above - your support is much appreciated, and will help ensure that this website can continue to support learners and educators in the coming years!
We offer two easy ways to make a donation:
- Online - with your credit card, through our online store. Just click on the donation link and provide the level of support that works for you! You choose!
- By check - Please make out your check to "National Earth Science Teachers Association" with a note on the check identifying it as a donation to support NESTA's "Windows to the Universe" project, and send it to the address below:
National Earth Science Teachers Association
4041 Hanover, Suite 100
P.O. Box 20854,
Boulder, CO 80308-3854
Attn: Marlene DiMarco
Thank you so much for your generous donation!