Michael Burek
Hello! I am an Engineer that specializes in designing and building measurement systems for scientific research. On the Windows to the Universe Project I am responsible for the technical portions of the project. I tend the server, develop CGI scripts, Java applets, and brainstorm with the developers and artists to create new and fun ways to present our information. I also help Roberta with organizing the HTML development and I am having fun helping with the science content development. I find the area of archaeoastronomy fascinating and, I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.I earned my Engineering degree in 1982 from Michigan Technological University specializing in electronic and computer design.
At the University I also work on a project that makes remote scientific data and collaboration tools available to scientists connected to the internet, worldwide.
In the past I have designed parts of airborne multispectral sensor systems, a computer that controlled a triaxial acceleration sensor system for the Space Shuttle (Columbia), a telemetry and control system for the HRDI (High Resoloution Doppler Imager) satellite, and a three dimensional, real time visualization system for a Scanning Tunneling Microscope.
In my non work hours I like to dance a lot. I'm taking four or five Jazz classes a week as well as folk dancing (contra) on weekends. When I'm resting I like to read well written literature and poetry (click here for a favorite poem), listen to all types of music (except country), and yak on the phone. I enjoy hiking, oceans, mountains, European cities and travel. I have a 17 year old daughter who's a senior this year. We've traveled in Europe the past couple of summers, and have enjoyed it tremendously.