
Name Year of
Discoverer Average Distance from Sun Diameter
(AU) (106 km)
Amphitrite 1854 A. Marth 2.55 382.1 240
Camilla 1868 N. Pogson 3.49 521.8 236
Chiron 1977 C. Kowal 13.72 2051.9 180
Cybele 1861 E. Tempel 3.43 513.0 246
Daphne 1856 H. Goldschmidt 2.77 413.6 182
Davida 1903 R. Dugan 3.18 475.4 336
Doris 1857 H. Goldschmidt 3.11 465.5 226
Egeria 1850 A. de Gasparis 2.58 385.4 114
Elpis 1860 J. Chacornac 2.71 405.9 174
Eros 1898 G. Witt 1.46 218.4 33
Eugenia 1857 H. Goldschmidt 2.72 407.1 114
Eunomia 1851 A. De Gasparis 2.64 395.5 272
Euphrosyne 1854 J. Ferguson 3.16 472.1 248
Europa 1858 H. Goldschmidt 3.10 463.3 312
Freia 1862 H. d'Arrest 3.39 466.6 190
Hebe 1847 K. Hencke 2.43 362.8 192
Hygiea 1849 A. De Gasparis 3.14 470.3 430
Interamnia 1910 V. Cerulli 3.06 458.1 334
Iris 1847 J. Hind 2.39 356.9 204
Juno 1804 K. Harding 2.67 399.4 244
Kalliope 1852 J. Hind 2.91 435.3 188
Lutetia 1852 H. Goldschmidt 2.435 364.3 96
Mathilde 1885 Johann Palisa 2.46 290 61
Pallas 1802 H. Olbers 2.77 414.5 522
Psyche 1852 A. De Gasparis 2.92 437.1 264
Sylvia 1866 N. Pogson 3.49 521.5 272
Toutatis 1989 C. Pollas 2.51 375.8 4.6 x 2.3 x 1.9
Vesta 1807 H. Olbers 2.36 353.4 500

Last modified July 15, 2010 by Randy Russell.

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