We invite you to explore this online guide intended to provide resources
to scientists who would like to foster connections between the scientific community
and K-12 education.
Do you know what the gods Re, Tonatiuh, and Shamash all have in common?
Did you know that the ancient Greeks revered Gaea as the Earth goddess, and that she was the mother of the Titans and the first humans?
Earth and Space Science Concept of the Day
Do you know what this word or phrase means?
xLoess : An aeolian sediment formed by the accumulation of wind-blown silt and lesser and variable amounts of sand and clay that are loosely cemented by calcium carbonate. Loess is usually homogeneous, highly porous, and is traversed by vertical capillaries t
Marine scientists long believed that a microbe called Trichodesmium, a member of a group called the cyanobacteria, reigned over the ocean's nitrogen budget. New research results reported on-line today...Read more