Workshop at the 2008 NSTA National Conference in Boston
Windows to the Universe staff presented a workshop titled "Magnetism Activities, Space Weather, and Geomagnetism (Earth's magnetic field)" at the NSTA National Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, from 8-9 AM on Thursday, March 27, 2008. The main elements of this workshop were a series of hands-on activities related to magnetism and a presentation about Space Weather and Sun-Earth connections. This page provides links to write-ups of the hands-on activities and links to resources (images, animations, etc.) displayed during the workshop.
List of Hands-on Activities
Write-ups of the hands-on activities conducted at the workshop can be found at the links below:
- Magnetometer (in Spanish)
- Magnetometer Extensions - Prospecting for Iron Ore & Seafloor Spreading (in Spanish)
- Terrabagga (in Spanish)
- Magnetic Levitation (in Spanish)
Images, Animations, and Interactives shown during the Presentation
Most of the images, animations, and interactives shown as part of the Space Weather presentation at the workshop are available online at the links listed below:
- Seafloor Spreading
- Image of Mid-Atlantic Ridge, suitable for pasting onto a file folder to use for the Magnetometer Extensions (Seafloor Spreading) Activity
- Image of Mid-Atlantic Ridge, showing coastlines of the Americas and Africa, suitable for pasting onto a file folder to use for the Magnetometer Extensions (Seafloor Spreading) Activity
- Graphic of Rocks Recording Magnetic Reversals Symmetrically about a Spreading Ridge (Image courtesy USGS)
- Ages of Global Oceanic Crust, Mercator Projection (Image courtesy NOAA)
- Age of Atlantic Ocean Seafloor Crust, Globe (Image courtesy NOAA)
- Convective Motion in the Mantle Drives Seafloor Spreading (Image courtesy NASA)
- Earth's Magnetic Poles
- Earth's North Magnetic Pole interactive
- Location of North Magnetic Pole in 2001 (Courtesy of the Geologic Survey of Canada)
- Movement of the North Magnetic Pole from 1831 to 2001 (Courtesy of the Geologic Survey of Canada)
- Presumed Movement of the North Magnetic Pole from 1600 to 2001 (Courtesy of the Geologic Survey of Canada)
- Reversals of Earth's Magnetic Field
- Reversals of Earth's Magnetic Field During the Past 5 Million Years
- Variations in Strength of Earth's Magnetic Field During the Past 900,000 Years (Image courtesy USGS)
- Reversals of Earth's Magnetic Field During the Past 160 Million Years [Reproduced from Lowrie (1997) "Fundamentals of Geophysics"]
- Earth beside Sunspot
- Rotating Sun with Sunspots (animation)
- Coronal Loops in the Sun's atmosphere - TRACE spacecraft image
- Horseshoe magnet in Sun
- Prominence size comparison with Earth
- CME animation - SOHO coronagraph
- Earth globe with Magnetic Field Lines
- Bar Magnet & Compass interactive (Flash)
- Bar Magnet, Compass, and Magnetic Field Lines Interactive (Java)
- Earth Magnetic Field and Compass interactive
- Earth Magnetosphere diagram
- Earth Plasmasphere diagram
- Earth radiation belts diagram
- Aurora from Earth orbit
- Auroral oval #1
- Auroral oval #2