Iquique Ops Center
Rob Wood's postcard about the Arica Operations Center inspired me to write one about the Iquique Operations Center. Every day, there is a meeting at 10:30 AM to discuss the status and plans of all the different components of the VOCALS project - the various planes, ships and ground sites that are collecting data that will eventually be put together in a big picture describing how the atmosphere and ocean in this area of the world works. The Twin Otter is the only plane based in Iquique, so our modestly-sized group participates in these daily briefings via Skype. The above photo (showing Graham Feingold from NOAA and Bruce Albrecht from the University of Miami) depicts a typical day for us at the daily briefing. Compared to the hustle and bustle of the Arica ops center, it's very low key! That said, we're getting some very interesting data and we look forward to making a significant contribution to the scientific goals of VOCALS.
Postcards from the Field: Climate Science from the Southeast Pacific