Image courtesy of Brad Clement.

From: James McKee
Boulder, CO USA, October 24, 2008

Team Turns Back After Summit No-go

Tonya called today via satellite phone to report that their bid for the summit is a no-go due to weather forecast models calling for continuous 110+ km/hr (68 mph) winds. This in conjunction with the route from base camp to camp I being wiped out due to a massive glacial slide. They were getting ready for a short descent to base camp from camp I, where a team of Sherpas were due to arrive on site to assist them in descending with all of their gear.

Tonya commented that it was a good decision to turn back, as a fairly large avalanche plowed down the mountain and consumed the location of camp II.

After leaving base camp, the team will begin the long journey home which involves long hikes, long van rides, and long flights. Their expected arrival date into Colorado is November 7.

Stay tuned for the debriefing blog which will highlight the trials, challenges and successes of the expedition.

Go to the next postcard

Postcards from the Field: Annapurna

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