The X-ray light image of the cloud Cassiopeia A versus the visible light image. If you look very closely, you can see a small bright spot near the middle of the cloud in the X-ray image. Scientists say this may be a neutron star or black hole.
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Courtesy of NASA and the SAO Chandra X-ray Center
NASA Reveals First Images from Chandra
News story originally written on August 27, 1999
NASA revealed the first images from the Chandra X Observatory. Since first being deployed July 23, the Chandra X Observatory has had no problems. Included in the first set are images of a huge cloud with either a neutron star or black hole inside it.
NASA believes the powerful telescope will reveal black holes hiding in the universe. The Chandra takes images using X-rays instead of visual light. X-rays are usually released by really hot objects. Many of these objects cannot be seen with normal light, which means the Hubble Space Telescope cannot see them.
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