Astronomy Regions of Interest

These regions are ones that are of most interest in the astronomy of long ago, i.e., it will mainly cover regions where people were practicing astronomy from 4,000 B.C. to the age of modern astronomy (1687 when Newton issued his universal Law of Gravitation). We will of course be adding to this section frequently! If you would like to see a region or event added to this list, please submit your suggestion to our comments system.

Points of Interest
(Places and People from this region)
Africa Ancient Egyptian Astronomy
Aristrachus - first estimation of Earth-Sun distance
Eratosthenes - circumference of the Earth
Babylonia Ancient Babylonian Astronomy
British Isles Newgrange Passage Tomb
Stonehenge Stone Monument
The founding of archeoastronomy
Central America Ancient Maya Astronomy
China Ancient Chinese Astronomy
Denmark Tycho Brahe - incredible naked-eye astronomer
France The Stones of Carnac
Germany Johann Bayer - Bayer system of star designation
Kepler - Laws of Planetary Motion
Greece Ancient Greek Astronomy
Hipparchus - first star map
Ptolemy - geocentric theory of the universe
Italy Galileo - used one of the 1st telescopes
The megalithic structures at Fossa
Netherlands Hans Lippershey, inventor of the telescope
North America Ancient Native American astronomy
Poland Copernicus - heliocentric theory of the universe
Roman Empire Ancient Roman Astronomy
Julian calendar (solar calendar)
Scotland The Cairns of Clava
South America Ancient Inca Astronomy
Wales The Dolmen megalithic structure of Pentre Ifan in Wales

Last modified February 5, 2000 by Jennifer Bergman.

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