The region of sky surrounding Antares, known as Rho Ophiuchus.
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© Loke Kun Tan (StarryScapes)
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© Loke Kun Tan (StarryScapes)
Antares - Red Supergiant Star
What's in a Name: | Greek for "Rival of Mars" (Ares is Greek for Mars). Sometimes Antares is mistaken for Mars when they are close together because both are red. |
Claim to Fame: | Brightest star in the constellation Scorpio, the Scorpion. 16th brightest star in the sky (apparent visual magnitude = 0.9) |
Type of Star: | Red Supergiant (M1 Ib Spectral Class) |
How Far Away: | 325 light years away |
How Big: | 300 times as big as the sun (More than twice the diameter of the Earth's orbit). |
How Bright: | 3000 times the sun's luminosity (Mv = -4.5) |
Where to View: | In the constellation Scorpio, the Scorpion (Star Map). |
When to View: | July through August from Northern middle latitudes |
Last modified March 25, 2005 by Travis Metcalfe.