Name: _____________________ Hour: _____
Earth Scientist Project
1. Day one – In last 5 minutes of class, choose a partner to work on this project with.
2. Day two — Choose scientist (Choose a scientist from list below or choose another Earth
scientist. Either selection must be approved by your teacher as no repeats will be allowed
within the classroom).
Robert Goddard
Stephen Hawking
Henrietta Swan Leavitt
Carl Sagan
Enriqueta Barrera
Evan B. Forde
Marie Curie
Margaret LeMone
Edwin Hubble
Johan Kepler
Isaac Newton
Florence Bascom
Alfred Wegener
Ernest Rutherford
Yuri Gargarin
Louis Pasteur
Charles Darwin
Harry Hess
Svante Arrhenius
Edward Drinker Cope
Louis Agassiz
Alexander von Humboldt
Edmond Halley
Albert Einstein
Henry Cavendish
Anders Celsius
Rachel Carson
Amadeo Avogadro
Dmitriy Mendeleev
Joseph Priestley
Stephen Jay Gould
Stanley Miller
Mary Anning
Warren Washington
Wangari Maathai
James Hutton
Charles Lyell
Francis Bacon
Walter Alvarez
Benjamin Franklin
James Lovelock
Other Earth Scientist?
3. Also on Day two - Use library materials to research your scientist (use card catalog,
encyclopedias, biography section of library, computers…).
Use the internet to research your scientist. These internet sites would be a good place
to start:
Windows to the Universe (People Section)
Google Search
Ask Jeeves
Scientific Biographies
More Scientific Biographies
4. Day three – Finish any research and begin writing interview.
5. Day four - Write interview and practice performance of the interview.
6. Day five-six – present interviews.
Grading for scientist project:
10 points In class work and participation
10 points Information sheet
10 points Written interview
10 points Performed interview
++ Up to 5 points of extra credit for creativity may be awarded
Total: 40 points
Name: _____________________ Hour: _________
Information Sheet
1. Scientist’s Name
2. Date and place of birth
3. Where did this scientist grow up?
4. What was their childhood like?
5. What race would you say your scientist is? What is their primary language?
6. Where did they go to school (secondary—college degrees should be listed where applicable)?
7. What jobs have they held other than scientist?
8. What kind of science do they do specifically?
9. Do they have any hobbies that you could find?
10. What is/was their family like? Are/Were they married, have/had kids, etc.
11. List any books or articles which they’ve written:
12. Are they members or leaders of any groups:
13. List any discoveries or important scientific contributions that they’ve made:
14. Did your scientist win any awards?
15. Attach printed picture of your scientist (or draw an accurate picture
if you don’t have access to a printer):
16. When did your scientist die? Or are they still alive?
17. What is the most fascinating fact about your scientist?
18. Other notes about scientist (you should have something here that doesn’t
fit in other sections specifically!):
19. Please write your interview here between a news reporter and the scientist. The
interview should provide important facts and information about the scientist and should
be interesting for the class to listen to. The interview must be at least 2 minutes in
length when presented, but not more than 3 minutes (so practice, practice, practice!).
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