AGU GIFT Workshop: Space Weather and Magnetism

Baltimore, Maryland - 24 May 2006

Earth beside a SunspotThe main elements of this workshop were a series of hands on activities related to magnetism and a presentation about Space Weather and Sun-Earth connections.

List of Hands-on Activities

Write-ups of the hands-on activities conducted at the workshop can be found at the links below:

Images, Animations, and Interactives shown during the Presentation

Most of the images, animations, and interactives shown as part of the Space Weather presentation at the workshop are available online at the links listed below:

AGU GIFT Workshop: Space Weather and Magnetism

Baltimore, Maryland - 24 May 2006

Earth beside a SunspotThe main elements of this workshop were a series of hands on activities related to magnetism and a presentation about Space Weather and Sun-Earth connections.

List of Hands-on Activities

Write-ups of the hands-on activities conducted at the workshop can be found at the links below:

Images, Animations, and Interactives shown during the Presentation

Most of the images, animations, and interactives shown as part of the Space Weather presentation at the workshop are available online at the links listed below:

AGU GIFT Workshop: Space Weather and Magnetism

Baltimore, Maryland - 24 May 2006

Earth beside a SunspotThe main elements of this workshop were a series of hands on activities related to magnetism and a presentation about Space Weather and Sun-Earth connections.

List of Hands-on Activities

Write-ups of the hands-on activities conducted at the workshop can be found at the links below:

Images, Animations, and Interactives shown during the Presentation

Most of the images, animations, and interactives shown as part of the Space Weather presentation at the workshop are available online at the links listed below:

Page created May 19, 2006 by Randy Russell.
The source of this material is Windows to the Universe, at at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). © The Regents of the University of Michigan. Windows to the Universe® is a registered trademark of UCAR. All Rights Reserved. Site policies and disclaimer