The main elements of this workshop were a series of hands on activities related to magnetism and a presentation about Space Weather and Sun-Earth connections.
Write-ups of the hands-on activities conducted at the workshop can be found at the links below:
Most of the images, animations, and interactives shown as part of the Space Weather presentation at the workshop are available online at the links listed below:
The main elements of this workshop were a series of hands on activities related to magnetism and a presentation about Space Weather and Sun-Earth connections.
Write-ups of the hands-on activities conducted at the workshop can be found at the links below:
Most of the images, animations, and interactives shown as part of the Space Weather presentation at the workshop are available online at the links listed below:
The main elements of this workshop were a series of hands on activities related to magnetism and a presentation about Space Weather and Sun-Earth connections.
Write-ups of the hands-on activities conducted at the workshop can be found at the links below:
Most of the images, animations, and interactives shown as part of the Space Weather presentation at the workshop are available online at the links listed below:
Page created May 19, 2006 by Randy Russell.
The source of this material is Windows to the Universe, at at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). © The Regents of the University of Michigan. Windows to the Universe® is a registered trademark of UCAR. All Rights Reserved. Site policies and disclaimer