Poetry and Pictures - Weather

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But just what words?We'd like to invite you to submit your own poem about this month's featured Weather image. Be as creative and expressive as you can! And check back next month to write another wonderful poem about a weather image.
Related links:
More Poems about This Image
by Sally, age 68, England
Life Is...
by shelby, age 14, Texas (USA)
by Christopher, age 14, Killeen,TX
Today's Highlighted Poem
by ketryna, age 15, michigan, usa
the sky wasn't ours to give,
but we did. if we hadn't,
I don't know where we would have been.
the sun made us warmer, kinder.
the moon made us smarter, stronger then we had been before.
but with out that little sky we gave, nobody would have been the same.
it still wasn't our sky to give...