Explorers, both from long ago and today, use journals to record where they travel and what they discover. With this online journal you can keep a record of the places you have been, the things you have seen, and what you have learned within the Windows to the Universe web site! Only you have access to your journals unless you show your family, friends, and teachers. Your password keeps your journal secure. Choose a password that you will remember so that you can access your journals again and again. Start your own journal to create a record of Windows to the Universe pages that you like.
Use the journal tool with your students! The Windows to the Universe journal tool encourages the use of literacy skills to understand science phenomena and related humanities topics. Journals are also a great way to organize content for your lectures. Start your own journals to collect images and concepts from the Windows to the Universe web site! We are currently creating a special entrance for school groups that will allow entire classes to register and teachers to have direct access to student work. Look for this special feature on the Journal entry page. |