People's Web
These are links to other great web sites about people. But beware: you don't want to get caught in the People's Web! Don't stay away from Windows to the Universe for long!
Tycho Brahe Biography of Brahe.
Copernicus All you want to know about this ancient scientist.
Charles Darwin
Feynman Online! Web site devoted to the physicist, Richard Feynman.
The Galileo Project A great website devoted to a great astronomer.
Stephen Hawking's Universe Ask this scientist your toughest questions!
Island of Freedom An excellent site full of philosophers, poets, and artists.
Sir Isaac Newton
Leonardo da Vinci Museum
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I'm Travis Metcalfe, an astronomer at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. I made this short video for anyone who's ever wondered what it's like to take a trip to the observatory
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