Explore Myths about Mercury
Mercury was the messenger-god of Jupiter, and was the god of games, of business, and of story ...
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Mercury was popular among the gods because he was playful, innocent, and helpful. Mercury ...
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Explore Myths about other nearby planets
In Norse mythology, Sif was the wife of Thor, the mighty god of thunder. Sif was a very loyal ...
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Venus was the goddess of love and beauty. To her perfect figure and pure features she added ...
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The ancient Mayans used the doorways and windows of their buildings as astronomical sightings, ...
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Ares was the Greek god of war, was identified with the Roman god, Mars. He always acted like ...
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In Hindu mythology, the planet Mars is known as Mangala. The planet of Mars is identified ...
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Mayans were sophisticated observers of the sky. Mayans used their astronomical knowledge to ...
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Did you know?
James Clerk Maxwell developed a system of equations that is fundamental to an area of physics – do you know what equations there are?
Did you know that in Norse mythology, there is a huge rainbow bridge called Bifrost that connects Midgard, the realm of humans, to Asgard, the home of the gods?
Earth and Space Science Concept of the Day
Do you know what this word or phrase means?
RiparianxRiparian : The bank of a river or other body of water; may include the floodplains
Click on the word to find out!
Research Highlights
As greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere, more of the energy that gets to Earth from the Sun sticks around the planet. This means that the amount of energy coming to Earth is greater than the amount...
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