Moon Image List

Here is a movie of the astronauts with the flag.

Here is a drawing of the phases of the Moon done by Galileo Galilei.

This is an image of a full moon (105K GIF).

This is an image of the moon taken by Star Tracker Camera B on Clementine orbit #110. It was taken on March 14, 1994. The moon is illuminated entirely by the Earth's shine (109K GIF).

This is a three-filter color image of the Moon on December 9, 1990 (59K JPEG). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an image of the Earth and Moon taken from Galileo (54K GIF). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is a false-color mosaic of the Moon's northern hemisphere taken December 7, 1992 (123K JPEG). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an image of Astronaut Edwin Aldrin (138K GIF). (Courtesy of Aris Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. 1994)

This is an image of the Earthrise (120K GIF). (Courtesy of Aris Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. 1994)

This is an image of an astronaut and the Lunar Rover (156K GIF). (Courtesy of Aris Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. 1994)

This is an image of an astronaut and the U.S. flag on the Apollo 12 mission (132K GIF). (Courtesy of Aris Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. 1994)

This is an image of astronaut Edwin Aldrin and the U.S. flag on the Apollo 11 mission (169K GIF). (Courtesy of Aris Multimedia Entertainment, Inc. 1994)

Another image of the same thing (37K GIF). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an artist's concept of Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong taking his first steps on the moon. The Earth is in the background (55K JPEG). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an image of Harrison Schmitt at the North Masif sight (219K GIF). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an orbiter view of the Apollo 17 landing site (168K GIF). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an image of an astronaut standing near Plum Crater (191K GIF). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an image of Hadley Rille from space (188K GIF). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an image of the farside of the moon (350K GIF).

This is an image of the Moon's north pole from Galileo (136K GIF). (Courtesy of NASA)

This is an image of highland breccia rock found on the moon (147K GIF). (Courtesy of NASA)

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