Lunar Eclipses - 2000 through 2020

Lunar Eclipse

Image courtesy of Andy Steere.

A lunar eclipse (eclipse of the Moon) occurs when the Moon passes through Earth's shadow. A solar eclipse (eclipse of the Sun) happens when the Moon's shadow passes across part of Earth, when the Moon moves between Earth and the Sun.

The table below lists lunar eclipses.

Note: Each eclipse of the Moon can be seen from about half of the Earth's surface.
Dates and Extent of Eclipses
July 16 - Total
January 9 - Total
July 5 - Partial
December 30 - Penumbral
May 26 - Penumbral
Jun 24 - Penumbral
November 20 - Penumbral
May 4 - Total
April 24 - Penumbral
October 17 - Partial
March 14 - Penumbral
September 7 - Partial
March 3 - Total
August 28 - Total
February 21 - Total
August 16 - Partial
February 9 - Penumbral
July 7 - Penumbral
August 6 - Penumbral
June 26 - Partial
December 21 - Total
June 15 - Total
December 10 - Total
June 4 - Partial
November 28 - Penumbral
April 25 - Partial
May 25 - Penumbral
October 18 - Penumbral
April 15 - Total
October 8 - Total
April 4 - Total
September 28 - Total
March 23 - Penumbral
August 18 - Penumbral
September 16 - Penumbral
February 17 - Penumbral
August 7 - Partial
January 31 - Total
July 27 - Total
January 21 - Total
July 16 - Partial
January 10 - Penumbral
June 5 - Penumbral
July 5 - Penumbral
November 30 - Penumbral
Last modified February 13, 2008 by Randy Russell.

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