
Cassini is the name of a robot spacecraft. Cassini is studying the planet Saturn. It is also studying many of Saturn's moons and Saturn's cool rings.

Cassini blasted off from Earth in 1997. It took Cassini almost seven years to get to Saturn! Cassini started to orbit Saturn on July 1, 2004. It will study Saturn for four years. Cassini has many science instruments that it is using to study Saturn.

Cassini is also carrying another small robot spacecraft. That robot is named Huygens. Huygens will land on the large moon Titan.

Just before Cassini got to Saturn it flew by a moon named Phoebe. Cassini took the first good pictures of Phoebe. That happened on June 11, 2004.

Cassini is named after the scientist Giovanni Cassini. He discovered a gap between two of Saturn's rings. He also discovered many of Saturn's moons.

Last modified January 12, 2005 by Randy Russell.

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