This is a picture of the Rover atop the Mermaid Dune.
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The Mermaid Dune
During the Mars Pathfinder Rover's exploration of the Martian surface, it went over what scientists now call the "Mermaid Dune", covered with soils. The soil on top of Mermaid Dune seemed to have a dark gray component, indicating that the grains of soil may have originally been part of an igneous rock called basalt. Evidence of the existence of basalt would help scientists figure out the early volcanic history of Mars. However, when the Rover crossed the dune, it disturbed the soil and exposed a dark red soil underneath. A picture of the disturbed soil is shown here. Study of these dunes and soils contributed to an understanding of weathering processes on Mars.
There are many portions of Mars covered by sand dunes, including gaint sand dunes at the south polar region. These dunes consist of particles placed in motion by the mechanism of saltation, then picked up and carried around the globe in global dust storms.
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