This image shows the landing site for the Mars Pathfinder mission.
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Image from: NASA/JPL
Ares Vallis
Mars Pathfinder touched down in what appeared to be the remains of a catastrophic flood. Thus, scientists had the opportunity to study what is thought to be a surface created by flowing water.
A map of the region, shown here, shows the Ares and Tiu valleys. Ares is the Greek name of the god of War, also called Mars by the Romans. Read about the god Ares below. Ares Vallis means "Ares Valley". These valleys are to be found on the north-eastern edge of Xanthe Terra (look at the large map of Mars to see Xanthe Terra).
The picture shows tear-dropped shaped tails around some of the craters in the area. These tails indicate that there might have been a lot of flowing water in the area in the past. The tails are part of the reasons why scientists think the region is an valley created by a catastrophic flood.
On the web page linked in at the bottom of this page one may create your own map of the region and see the channels relative to where Pathfinder landed. Connecting to this web-site is recommended. Once linked, a map is shown which shows the Mars Pathfinder landing site. Click on the landing site location and create your own map. Then use the (-) button to zoom out and view the landing site from a greater distance.
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