This is an image of a volcanic cloud which goes from the troposphere to the stratosphere.
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Image from: National Geographic magazine
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Image from: National Geographic magazine
An Overview of Jupiter's Atmospheric Structure
As on Earth, the atmosphere of Jupiter consists of a troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere. The troposphere is the region where the visible clouds are to be found. The stratosphere, as on Earth, is a region where the atmosphere warms. Unlike the Earth however, where stratospheric warming is caused by the presence of ozone, the causes of the warming of Jupiter's stratosphere are the hazes of methane to be found there. The mesosphere of Jupiter, as on other planets, is a static region, a region of balance between incoming and outgoing energy. The thermosphere is the other region of the atmosphere where the atmosphere warms. TheWhat's New on the Site?
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An Overview of Jupiter's Atmospheric Structure
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