Conifer forests of the taiga biome
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Image courtesy of Mikhail Dronov of Tomsk in southwestern Siberia
The Taiga Biome
The taiga biome is full of evergreen forests. These forests are sometimes called boreal forests. You can find taiga forests just south of tundra in the northern parts of Europe, Asia, and North America.
It is very cold and snowy in the taiga during winter. It is a bit warmer in the summer. During the summer the days are long, ice thaws, snow melts, and it is often rainy.
Conifer trees like spruce and fir live in the taiga. The trees grow close together. This protects them from cold and wind. There are a few deciduous trees that can live in the taiga like birch and aspen, but they are not common.
Many animals make their home in the taiga for at least part of the year. Some stay year-round. In the summer, there are lots of birds and insects. Many bird species migrate to the taiga and breed and nest there during summer. Other birds, such as sparrows and crows, stay in the taiga year-round. Mammals include plant eaters like rabbits and voles as well as meat eaters such as lynx, wolverines, and bobcats.
Last modified October 23, 2008 by Lisa Gardiner.
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