Earth Statistics
Planetary Symbol: |
Surface Gravity: |
9.78 m/s^2 |
Diameter: |
12,753 km (7,926 miles) |
Rotation Period with respect to Sun (Length of Day): |
24 hrs |
Mass: |
5.98x10^24 kilograms (6.5e21 tons) |
Rotation Period with respect to stars (Sidereal Day): |
23 hrs 56 min |
Density: |
5,515 kg/m^3 |
Revolution Period about the Sun (Length of a Year): |
365 days 5 hrs |
Minimum Distance from Sun: |
146 million km (91 million miles) |
Tilt of Axis: |
23o 27" |
Maximum Distance from Sun: |
152 million km (94.5 million miles) |
Temperature: |
-89o C to 57.7o C (-128o F to 136o F) |
Orbital Semimajor Axis: |
1.0 AU |
Average Surface Temperature (K): |
287K |
Satellites: |
1 (the Moon) |
Earth Image Archive
Comparative Planetary Statistics -- in table form
Comparative Orbital Statistics -- in table form
Earth's circumference, aphelion, perihelion, speed and more...
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