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Crabs are crustaceans, which means they have a hard outer-shell that protect the soft body underneath. They also have sharp claws for protection and grabbing food. There are many species of crabs, and
When someone hears the word "shark", they usually think of a mean, scarry monster that eats everything it sees. The movie Jaws helped create this fear. But in real life, sharks aren't so mean. Actually,
Seals are carnivorous animals that live partly in the ocean and partly on land. Most seals come on land to mate and to shed their hair. But, seals can live up to 90% of their life in the water. So, they
Cnidarians are animals with stinging cells called cnidoblasts. This includes corals, jellyfish and anemones. Cnidarians do not have a head, and commonly look like a flower. The petals are actually tentacles
The sea rays are probably the most mysterious creatures of the ocean. Many have soft, widely spanned bodies that flow through the water like silk. They have a variety of appetites--some enjoy corals,
Whales, like dolphins, are part of the Cetacea order. The name Cetacea comes from the Latin 'cetus', which means large marine creature or sea monster! But, whales are no danger to people... Actually, it
The most widely known echinoderm is the sea star, or starfish. But sea urchins, sea lilies and brittle stars are also echinoderms. Sea lilies and feather stars are two types of echinoderm. These delicate
The Mullidae family is more commonly known as the Goatfish. These fish have the unique ability to change colors! They find their homes in coral reefs, sand or seagrass. The Goatfish range in size from