This image was taken after the 1993 Storm of the Century in Asheville, NC.
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National Weather Service Forecast Office of Greenville-Spartanburg, NC
History of Large Blizzards of North America
Below is a list of large blizzards in the United States and Canada.
March 11-14, 1888
- Up to 50 inches of snow fell and winds blew up to 60 mph (96.5 kph) in parts of the Mid-Atlantic and New England during this blizzard.
April of 1967
- 5.8 feet (1.75 meters) of snow fell on southern Alberta, Canada
January 10-11, 1975
- This blizzard caused fast winds blowing at 90 mph (145 kph) in Iowa, chilly temperatures in North and South Dakota, and lots of snow!
January 26-27, 1978
- This blizzard struck the Midwest and Northeast United States with cold temperatures, fast winds, and as much as 38 inches of snow.
February 8, 1979
- Iqaluit, Canada was isolated for ten days from this blizzard.
- Temperatures of -40 ºF (-40ºC) were recorded
March 12-15, 1993
- This blizzard was called the “Storm of the Century.”
- The storm spread from Florida to Canada.
- 56 inches (1.4 meters) of snow fell on Tennessee!
January 6-8, 1996
- This blizzard produced more than 24 inches (0.6 meters) of snow from West Virginia to New York City and in southern New England.
January 20-24, 2005
- This storm spread from the Midwest to southern New England.
- The snow fell quickly in Boston. Three to five inches (0.08-0.13 meters) of snow fell each hour at times during the storm.
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Below is a list of large blizzards in the United States and Canada. March 11-14, 1888 - Up to 50 inches of snow fell and winds blew up to 60 mph (96.5 kph) in parts of the Mid-Atlantic and New England
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