Take off on an Exploratour! Click on one of the many tours listed below to follow a guided tour through a topic. Remember to choose the level that you prefer before entering a tour by clicking one of the three levels that are at the top of this page. On the top of each page in the tour you will see our navigation graphic that will help you quickly- To move forwards through the tour, click the Forward arrow.
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The Evidence of Evolution Exploratour
Charged Particle Motion in Earth's Magnetosphere
A Peek into the Lives of Stars
Looking at the World in a Different
How to Build a star
Spectacular Crashes in the Universe
Volcanoes in the Solar System
Life on Earth
Life in the Solar System
NASA's Exploration for Life
The Archean Age
The Surface of the Earth
The Surface of Mars
Comparing the Surfaces of Earth
and Mars
The Atmosphere of Mars
Life on Mars??
Mars Exploration
Water on Mars
Mars Climate, Now and In the Past
Picturebook: Mars Pathfinder/Global Surveyor
Carbon Cycle of Mars
Magnetosphere of Mars