Exploratour: NASA's Exploration for Life
Polar Bear
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Image courtesy of Corel Photography
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Image courtesy of Corel Photography
The Animal Kingdom
Our view of "Life", that is life as we know it on Earth, may bias our view of where life ought to be found elsewhere in the solar system. When you think of "life", what image comes to mind? A careful look at *all* the varieties of life on Earth may help us understand more about life's potential to survive in environments which are very different from that of the Earth.First, life may be "multicellular". This means they are made of many cells, like a dog or cat. Or they may be made of only one cell, like bacteria. Second, most forms of life get their food by eating other organisms. Other life forms don't have to eat because they can use the Sun's energy to make their own food. All life forms seem to need oxygen to survive, but that is not always the case.
Here's a brief summary of life on Earth.
The Animal Kingdom
The Monera Kingdom
The Plant Kingdom
The Protista Kingdom
The Fungi Kingdom
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