Windows to the Universe CD Order Form -- Version 3

Only the images from our site are included on this supplementary CD. Windows to the Universe is an ever-changing, ever-growing web site and it would be impossible to fully represent over 5,800 pages of content on a single CD-ROM. Internet connectivity is still required with use of this CD. The primary purpose of the CD is to improve connectivity speed for users, since our site is so image-intensive.

While we are still working to allow online ordering via credit card, we ask for the moment that you order through mail with a check. To order a supplementary Windows to the Universe CD, please print out a hardcopy of this form. If you do not have a printer, we will accept a handwritten copy, so long as all required information is included. Send in the completed hardcopy and payment by check made out to University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) to the following address: UCAR
Attn: Marlene DiMarco
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
Please direct any questions to the following phone number: 303-497-2593.

All information including a phone number must be provided in order for us to process your order:
The Basics
Shipping Address:  
City:   State/Province: 
Zip Code:   Country: 
Daytime Phone:   E-mail address:(optional) 
CD Preference
Please indicate the quantity of CD's you would like to order:

 IBM compatible +  Mac compatible =   Total Number of CD's

  Total Cost for CD's
Total cost is $15.00 for one CD. Total cost is $24.00 for 2 CD's, $33 for 3 CD's, $42 for 4 CD's and $51 for 5 CD's. Total cost does include all shipping, handling and packaging. If you would like to purchase the CD's in bulk, please just notify us by using our comments form and we will get in touch with you about the price of your bulk purchase.

Last modified October 5, 2001 by the Windows Team

The source of this material is Windows to the Universe, at from the National Earth Science Teachers Association (NESTA). The Website was developed in part with the support of UCAR and NCAR, where it resided from 2000 - 2010. © 2010 National Earth Science Teachers Association. Windows to the Universe® is a registered trademark of NESTA. All Rights Reserved. Site policies and disclaimer.