Some More Comet Hyakutake Images
Most Recent Image: March 25, 1996

Image provided courtesy of Hal Weaver (Applied Research Corp.), HST Comet Hyakutake Observing Team and NASA
Chronological Images of Hyakutake

Image provided courtesy of Michael Brown (University of Melbourne), Chris Fluke (University of Melbourne) and Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
This is a false-color image in R band with a log scale color map. It was taken on February 20, 1996.
Image provided courtesy of Michael Brown (University of Melbourne), Chris Fluke (University of Melbourne) and Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
This is a color image of Comet Hyakutake using a 40 inch telescope taken on the morning of February 25, 1996.
Image provided courtesy of Michael Brown (University of Melbourne), Chris Fluke (University of Melbourne) and Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
This is an image of Comet Hyakatuke's finder chart. It shows the comet's position in reference to the stars from March 20 - April 22.(49K)
Image courtesy of Abrams Planetarium, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Michigan State University
This is an orbit diagram from March 27, 1996.
Image provided courtesy of Dr. Dale Ireland
This photograph shows the comet Hyakutake
(60K GIF)
Image provided courtesy of Shigemi Numazawa, Japan Planetarium Lab. Inc.
The Haykutake Comet
(96K GIF)
Image supplied by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Hyakutake home page