Solar System Coloring Book--Neptune
Distance from Sun: 2,796,000,000 miles
Diameter: 30,775 miles or about 4 Earths across
Number of moons: 11
Length of year: 60,190 Earth days (about 165 Earth years)
Temperature: -353°F
Neptune is a ball of gas with a metal core.
Neptune, also a huge ball of gas, is usually the 8th planet from the Sun. However, for a few years (until February 1999) Pluto was actually closer to the Sun than Neptune. The planet is surrounded by hazy blue clouds and dark rings. Neptune has a large storm cloud called the Great Dark Spot and a smaller white cloud called "Scooter" that races around the planet.
Other Coloring Books:
Sun | Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars | Asteroids | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Pluto | Comets