Asteroid Image List

This is a recent image of the asteroid Mathilde, from the NEAR ( Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous) Spacecraft. It was taken on June 26, 1997 at a distance of 250,000 miles from the surface. (Courtesy of NASA).
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This is a comparison of Gaspra (top) with Mars' two satellites, Deimos (lower left) and Phobos (lower right). (Courtesy of NASA)
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This is an image of the asteroid Gaspra from Galileo on October 29, 1991. (Courtesy of NASA)
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Another image of Gaspra. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL)
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This is a montage of 11 Gaspra images taken by Galileo on October 29, 1991. (Courtesy of NASA)
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This is a montage of 24 images of the asteroid Vesta taken by the Hubble Space Telescope using the Wide-Field Planetary Camera 2. These images were taken between November 28 and December 1, 1994. (Courtesy of NASA/STScI and B. Zellner, Georgia Souther Uni
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This is an image of the asteroid Ida seen by Galileo on its way to Jupiter on August 28, 1993. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL)
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This is a composite image of Ida rotating seen by Galileo on August 28, 1993. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL)
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This is a color image of Ida and its moon, Dactyl. (Courtesy of NASA)
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Another image of Ida and Dactyl. (Courtesy of NASA)
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These are radar images of the asteroid Toutatis taken from Earth. (Courtesy of NASA)
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