Pluto Statistics

Planetary Symbol: Name in Roman/Greek Mythology: Pluto / Hades
Diameter: 2,390 km (1,485 miles)
[0.187 x Earth's]
Orbital Semimajor Axis:
(average distance from Sun)
39.48 AU
(Earth = 1 AU)
Mass: 12.5 x 1021 kilograms
(0.0021 x Earth's)
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.2488
Density: 1,750 kg/m3
(0.317 x Earth's)
Maximum Distance from Sun: 49.31 AU
( 7.376 billion km or
4.583 billion miles )
Surface Gravity: 0.58 m/s2
(0.06 x Earth's)
Minimum Distance from Sun: 29.66 AU
( 4.437 billion km or
2.757 billion miles )
Surface Temperature: 40 to 50 K
( -233° to -223° C or
-387° to -369° F )
Minimum Distance from Earth: 28.6 AU
( 4.28 billion km or
2.66 billion miles )
Tilt of Axis: 123o Orbital Inclination:
(tilt of orbit plane)
Rotation Period about Axis:
(length of Pluto's day)
6.387 days (retrograde) Revolution Period about the Sun:
(length of Pluto's year)
248 years

Satellites: known

Pluto Image Archive

Comparative Planetary Statistics -- in table form

Comparative Orbital Statistics -- in table form

Actual Distance to Earth

Last modified January 25, 2006 by Randy Russell.

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